ESI and LVR Training

This course covers the provision of first aid in an Electrical Supply Industry (ESI) environment for anyone who works in the electrical industry. This ESI course incorporates key first aid skills with the recognition of a potentially hazardous environment and the subsequent measures to be taken to avoid injury/further injury. Simulations are focused on the most common first aid situations that ESI employees face.


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Real Response has experienced trainers available in most capital cities and regional centres and the ability to run our most popular courses online via zoom with training equipment delivered to your site.

Our ESI and LVR Training Courses

Old LVR – Low Voltage Rescue and CPR

This course involves the rescue procedures from live low voltage apparatus and the skills needed to provide CPR to a casualty, as separate distinct skills that are required for working around electrical assets. Both components cover equipment and practical methods for first aid and rescue operations.

  • 1 Year CPR
  • Face to face
  • Group Bookings & Online Course Available
  • Nationally Accredited

Provide First Aid in an ESI Environment and CPR

The UETDRMP010 course, formerly known as UETDRRF007, is designed to equip participants with the skills needed to provide first aid in an Electrical Supply Industry (ESI) environment, as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This course integrates essential first aid skills with the unique requirements of working in an ESI setting. It covers everything from recognising hazardous environments to taking appropriate measures to avoid injury or further harm.

Real Response’s simulation-enhanced learning is a key feature of this course, focusing on the most common first aid situations that ESI employees are likely to encounter. This hands-on approach significantly improves knowledge retention and ensures that participants are well-prepared to handle real-world emergencies.

  • 1 Year CPR
  • Face to face
  • Group Bookings & Online Course Available
  • Nationally Accredited

Provide First Aid in an ESI Environment and Provide First Aid

The combined Provide First Aid (PFA) and Electrical Supply Industry (ESI) course is designed to equip you with a comprehensive set of skills that meet the requirements of both HLTAID011 and UETDRMP010 (Formerly UETDRRF007). This course covers everything from recognising and assessing emergency situations to applying appropriate first aid procedures, all in line with industry standards.

What elevates our training is the integration of simulation-enhanced learning techniques. This hands-on approach focuses on the most common first aid and ESI-specific scenarios you’re likely to encounter. The goal is to ensure that you’re not only knowledgeable but also confident and prepared to act effectively in real-world emergencies.

  • 3 Years PFA, 1 Year CPR
  • partially blended
  • Group Bookings & Online Course Available
  • Nationally Accredited

LVR – Low Voltage Rescue And CPR

The CPR and LVR training courses at Real Response are designed to be taken sequentially, as completion of the CPR course is a prerequisite for the LVR training. The CPR module covers key competencies such as recognising emergency situations, ensuring safety, and performing CPR in accordance with ARC guidelines. Once participants have successfully completed the CPR course, they proceed to the LVR training, which delves into specialised rescue procedures from live LV panels, including preparation, execution, and post-rescue protocols.

A cornerstone of our training approach is the use of simulation-enhanced learning. This method has been shown to significantly improve knowledge retention and build confidence. By mimicking real-world conditions through role-play, realistic scenarios, and hands-on equipment use, participants are better prepared to handle actual emergencies.

As of October 2023, the unit ‘UETDRRF004 – Perform rescue from a live LV panel’ has been updated to ‘UETDRMP007 – Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel’ and now includes an additional prerequisite requiring evidence of an existing ESI or Electrotechnology qualification for enrolment.

  • 1 Year
  • Face to face
  • Group Bookings & Online Course Available
  • Nationally Accredited