Provide First Aid Express

Delivery Mode

Online Pre-course


HLTAID011- Provide First Aid

HLTAID009- Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

HLTAID010 - Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

  • 3.25 Hours Course Length
  • 3 years Certificate Length
  • Nationally Accredited

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Real Response has experienced trainers available in most capital cities and regional centres and the ability to run our most popular courses online via zoom with training equipment delivered to your site.


Our express "Provide First Aid" training gives you the skills to save a life with engaging online pre-course work and an immersive and memorable 3.5-hour face-to-face session.
Prerequisites English Literacy, Physical Ability – Able to Perform CPR on the Floor for 2 Minutes, Internet Connection
Course Delivery
  • 4-6 Hours Online Precourse Work
  • 3.25 Hours Face-to-Face
• Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to an adult, child and infant
• Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) practice
• Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) response using an adrenaline auto-injector
• Treating shock, seizure and other debilitating ailments
• Immobilisation techniques for addressing head and spinal injuries
• Treatment of sprains, strains, fractures and dislocations
• Management of bleeding along with appropriate bandaging

Are you looking for a different type of course?

Learn life-saving skills from the comfort of your home or office. Real Response can deliver our Nationally Accredited virtual "Provide First Aid" training anywhere in Australia. We send the equipment, and you complete the course content via video call with one of our experienced instructors.
We believe the skills learnt in our Provide First Aid course (HLTAID011) are essential for everyone. Real Response's simulation-based learning prepares participants to identify and confidently respond to medical emergencies, including CPR.
Provide First Aid and Advanced Resuscitation is a two-day comprehensive course with no online content. Participants will learn to conduct a complete assessment of a casualty and begin treatment steps, including using oxygen during resuscitation.