Chief Warden Training (PUAFER005)

Real Response delivers Chief Warden Training to equip workplace leaders with the skills to manage onsite emergencies and effectively oversee evacuations. This course is tailored for Chief Wardens, Deputy Chief Wardens, and other key emergency personnel, enhancing their ability to control workplace emergencies and ensure safety.


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We’ll deliver training at your site anywhere in Australia!

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Real Response has experienced trainers available in most capital cities and regional centres and the ability to run our most popular courses online via zoom with training equipment delivered to your site.

Our Chief Warden Training (PUAFER005) Courses

Warden and Chief Warden Training

Real Response's combined Warden and Chief Warden training ensures your workplace is never left short when an emergency occurs. Completing both courses together allows all wardens to step into the...

  • 5 Hours Course Length

  • 1-3 Years Certificate Length

  • Nationally Accredited

  • Face to face

  • Group Bookings & Online Course Available

Warden and Chief Warden Modular Training

Real Response's modular Warden and Chief Warden training ensures your workplace is never left short when an emergency occurs. Completing both courses allows all wardens to step into the Chief...

  • 5 Hours Course Length

  • 1-3 Years Certificate Length

  • Nationally Accredited

  • Face to face

  • Group Bookings & Online Course Available

Chief Warden Training

Real Response's Chief Warden training will provide participants with the confidence to command, coordinate and control workplace emergency procedures and communicate effectively with professional emergency services such as fire services,...

  • 2 Hours Course Length

  • 3 Years Certificate Length

  • Nationally Accredited

  • Face to face

  • Group Bookings & Online Course Available

Why Chief Warden Training is Vital

With the risk of emergencies ever-present, Real Response’s Chief Warden Training prepares you to handle situations effectively, from fire emergencies to comprehensive evacuation drills. We’re dedicated to raising health and safety standards across Australia, providing life-saving skills for urban and regional centres.

Course Content

Participants will learn:

  • Emergency procedure implementation
  • Fire warden identification and coordination
  • Incident control and communication during emergencies
  • Safety protocols for various emergencies, including fire and evacuation
  • Support for vulnerable individuals during evacuations
  • Command and control during emergencies
  • Briefing emergency services with building-specific information

Training Approach

Real Response employs realistic simulation-based training, engaging participants with genuine emergency equipment and scenarios to foster deep learning and knowledge retention. Our training is informed by the expertise of paramedics, firefighters, and military personnel, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

Course Duration and Entry Requirements

The course spans 2 hours, leading to a qualification valid for three years, with refresher courses available. Prospective students should have completed Fire Warden Training (PUAFER005) prior to enrolment. Real Response offers a pathway for advancing emergency response skills and career development.

Qualifications and Skills

Graduates will achieve nationally accredited qualifications, gaining various skills for effective emergency management. Our training prepares you to act decisively in emergencies, with a focus on:

  • Emergency preparation and response
  • Command, control, and coordination of emergency procedures
  • Effective communication during emergencies
  • Coordination and analysis of emergency response efforts

Why Choose Real Response for On-site and Online Training?

Founded in 2014, Real Response has quickly become a leader in online and on-site emergency response training, expanding services to meet demand in Sydney and Melbourne. Our clients include government bodies and major corporations, a testament to the quality and effectiveness of our training.

Contact Real Response today for comprehensive Chief Warden Training that offers real-world applicability and prepares you for leadership in emergencies.