Be Prepared to Save a Life

Experience the difference

Real Response can elevate your team's emergency response skills with a customised training solution.


Why Simulation-Based Training?

Simulation-based training aims to promote deep learning through realistic, critical incidents. Participants must consider multiple factors, make decisions, and reflect on the outcomes. Used extensively in professional emergency response, defense, and medical fields, this powerful education tool makes a significant difference when responding in complex environments.

At Real Response, we know that high-fidelity simulation-based training is an essential learning experience that leads to better outcomes when faced with a real-life emergency. We are innovators in the field and have invested heavily in training our trainers and purchasing equipment to help facilitate them.

Traditional vs. Simulation Training

Step into a new era of emergency response training, leaving behind the theoretical, passive, and rigid methods of traditional courses. Our cutting-edge simulation-based training offers a realistic, engaging, dynamic, and memorable experience, equipping you with the skills and confidence to tackle real-life emergencies. Compare the benefits of traditional and simulation training and make the smart choice for your learning journey!

Traditional Training

Theoretical | Passive | Rigid | Boring

Traditional Training

Traditional training is often theoretical, passive, rigid, and boring. It relies heavily on lectures and demonstrations, which limits engagement and may hinder knowledge retention. Participants may struggle to apply theoretical concepts to real-life situations due to the lack of hands-on practice.

Simulation Training

Realistic | Engaging | Dynamic | Memorable

Simulation Training

In contrast, simulation training is realistic, engaging, dynamic, and memorable. It immerses participants in lifelike scenarios, allowing them to apply skills in a hands-on manner. This approach creates an enjoyable learning environment that fosters deeper understanding, better retention, and improved confidence to handle real emergencies.

What to Expect During a Simulation


Most training involves several scenarios. Our trainers will work with the group or organisation to identify settings that resonate with participants and address the possible risks they may face.


Safety is of utmost importance, so participants will be made aware of any possible triggers or effects that may be distressing.


Participants will play various roles, from patient and responder to different types of bystanders.


We create the scene using a mixture of props, sounds and sirens, fake wounds, smoke, smells, and lighting effects.


Participants engage in the simulation. The trainer will observe how the participants react to the situation and when needed provide guidance.


After the simulation, the participants discuss how things went and any areas of improvement.

What Makes a Real Response Simulation

Smoke & Smells

Smoke & Smells

We incorporate smoke and smells in our simulations to mimic realistic emergency conditions, heightening the sensory experience and increasing the pressure on participants.



Our use of diverse props, from severed limbs to on-site equipment, makes scenarios more interactive and lifelike, enhancing the overall training experience.

Fake Wounds

Fake Wounds

With realistic fake wounds, participants can practice essential first-aid skills and learn how to effectively respond to various injury types.

Foaming Capsules

Foaming Capsules

Our versatile foaming capsules can simulate a range of conditions, including seizures and poisonings, allowing trainees to practice their response to diverse medical emergencies.

Simulated 000 calls

Simulated 000 Calls

Participants engage in simulated emergency calls, building their ability to communicate effectively with dispatchers and relay critical information during high-stress situations.

Lights & Sound

Lights & Sound

Using authentic lighting and sound effects, we create an immersive atmosphere resembling real-life emergencies, preparing trainees for unpredictable conditions.

Why choose simulation?

Real Response’s simulation-based training offers a unique and effective approach to mastering lifesaving skills. Here are seven reasons to choose simulation-based training with Real Response

Simulation-based training immerses participants in critical incidents, forcing them to consider various factors, make decisions, and reflect on the outcomes, promoting a deeper understanding of emergency response techniques and their application.

By using realistic scenarios and hands-on learning experiences, simulation-based training captures participants’ attention and keeps them engaged, ensuring a more enjoyable and effective learning process.

Simulation training helps participants develop a greater understanding of the complexities of emergency situations, enabling them to better adapt and respond to dynamic and unpredictable circumstances.

Participating in simulations helps build essential soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, leadership, stress management, critical thinking, and problem-solving, equipping participants with the tools they need to succeed in real-life emergencies.

Simulation-based training provides a controlled and safe environment where participants can practice their skills, make mistakes, and learn from them without causing harm, ultimately leading to increased confidence and competence.

Simulation training enables participants to directly experience applying emergency response and first aid skills in lifelike situations, giving them a better understanding of how to use their knowledge and abilities in real emergencies.

Simulation-based training is widely recognised as an effective method for adult education, with numerous studies showing that it leads to better long-term retention of skills, improved teamwork, and ultimately, lives saved.

By choosing Real Response’s simulation-based training, you’re investing in a high-quality, engaging, and practical learning experience that will empower you and your team to handle real-life emergencies with confidence and skill.

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