Advanced (Level 3) First Aid Course HLTAID014

Provide Advanced First Aid [Level 3 First Aid] with Real Response

Real Response’s Provide Advanced First Aid [Level 3 First Aid] and CPR courses are designed for easy learning, empowering everyone with life-saving skills for emergencies. Their immersive training approach, focusing on practical application and leadership in crises, enhances effective emergency response. The ‘learning by doing’ method ensures active participation, moving beyond traditional classroom settings.

Provide Advanced First Aid is a nationally accredited 2 day course that equips participants with emergency response skills and the ability to lead and manage patient care. The certification, valid for three years, ensures graduates are well-prepared to assess, act swiftly, and potentially save lives in emergency scenarios.


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Real Response has experienced trainers available in most capital cities and regional centres and the ability to run our most popular courses online via zoom with training equipment delivered to your site.

Our Advanced (Level 3) First Aid Course HLTAID014 Courses

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What You Get With Your Provide Advanced Level 3 First Aid Certificate

Provide Advanced First Aid comprehensively covers First Aid and CPR procedures, fostering an understanding of the challenges faced by injured or unconscious individuals and equipping students with practical response skills. This course imparts crucial leadership qualities for swift casualty assessment and instils confidence in administering appropriate treatment. It significantly enhances First Aid and CPR knowledge and practical application.

The CPR section of the course addresses all vital steps, including managing an unconscious person, airway management, artificial respiration, and techniques for adults, children, and infants. It also covers two-rescuer CPR, Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) principles, and emergency communication. Real Response’s use of simulation training significantly boosts knowledge retention and skill proficiency, setting it apart from other first aid and CPR providers.

Realistic Training For Real-Life Emergencies with Real Response

Real Response emphasises immersive first aid and CPR training to ensure emergency readiness, using simulation techniques similar to those in military and medical institutions. This hands-on, realistic approach enhances life-saving skills, building competence and confidence in emergency response, leadership, and communication with emergency services.

Our simulations mimic real accidents and emergencies, complete with props like fake blood, wounds, sound effects, and emergency calls, to create a pressurised learning environment. Real Response’s experienced instructors make this experience engaging, fostering an understanding of advanced first aid practices and principles. This shift from traditional learning methods to engaging simulations prepares students for critical life-and-death situations, equipping them with decisive leadership and advanced first aid skills.

Book an On-Site First Aid Course Today

Real Response offers tailored First Aid training in Melbourne, Sydney, and nearby areas, catering to workplaces, schools, and individuals. Focusing on practical skills, we assist in workplace risk mitigation and setting up first aid facilities. The training is engaging and impactful, ideal for anyone looking to enhance their emergency response capabilities. For more information or to enrol, contact Real Response or explore our website.