Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

Delivery Mode


HLTAID010 - Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

HLTAID009- Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

  • 7.5 Hours Course Length
  • 3 Years Certificate Length
  • Nationally Accredited

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Real Response has experienced trainers available in most capital cities and regional centres and the ability to run our most popular courses online via zoom with training equipment delivered to your site.


This course covers essential first aid skills every person should have. Students of Level 1 First Aid develop confidence, knowledge and techniques for responding to acute medical conditions faced in emergency situations. Although a foundational first aid course, you will gain the ability to undertake timely and appropriate emergency response and the potential to save someone’s life when no one else can.
Prerequisites English Literacy, Physical Ability – Able to Perform CPR on the Floor for 2 Minutes
Course Delivery
  • 7.5 Hours Face-to-Face
• Respiratory emergencies
• Cardiac emergencies
• Shock and anaphylaxis
• Management of bleeding
• Applying bandages

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