Medical Services

Real Response is able to deliver a wide range of routine and highly customised medical services for the Australian industry. These services are able to be delivered nationally and internationally if required.

Our Services

Workplace Vaccinations

Provision of a qualified nurse immuniser to manage and deliver a corporate vaccination program to keep your staff healthy and productive.

Nurse/Paramedic Onsite

Provision of a qualified and experienced nurse/paramedic to support daily health/wellness and respond to routine and critical medical incidents.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

Assisting workplaces maintain a safe drug and alcohol free environment. Ability to create a train-the-trainer program or provide qualified onsite testing staff.

COVID-19 Screening

  • Thermal screening
  • Rapid-Antigen Testing
  • Daily Health Checks

Wellness Assessments

Provision of a qualified nurse immuniser to manage and deliver a corporate vaccination program to keep your staff healthy and productive.


Medical Services

Do I have to pay extra for the PPE?

No, the PPE is included free of charge

Is Real Response still delivering face to face training during COVID-19?

Real Response is monitoring the COVID-19 situation on a regular basis. Face to face sessions are still available for essential services and are being delivered in a slightly different format to normal. Some courses are also being offered as virtual courses.