Provide Pain Management

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PUAEME008- Provide pain management

  • 3.5 Hours Course Length
  • 1 Year Certificate Length
  • Nationally Accredited

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The Provide Pain Management course (PUAEM008) is designed for those who may be required to administer analgesia (pain relief) during their duties as a first aider.
Most first aiders are not required to provide pain management due to the close proximity of ambulance resources or definitive care at hospital. However, remote environments or high risk industries may choose to provide their first aiders with pain relief medications such as Paracetamol, Methoxyflurane or Ibuprofen. This course develops the skills of how to assess pain and administer a pain relief medications when clinically indicated while maintaining the legal requirements of the use of such medications.
Prerequisites English Literacy, Completed HLTAID011
Course Delivery
  • 3.5 Hours Face-to-Face
• Identify when there is a need to administer pain relief
• Understand the use of various pain relief methods and drugs
• How to prepare the relevant pain relief medications
• How to correctly administer the pain relief
• Deliver a effective and professional handover to medical staff.
• Complete the required paperwork and compliance for the use of pain relief medications.

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